Why Was the Bible Written So Long Ago?
In this episode of 'My Strange Bible', the hosts discuss the importance of understanding the original context in which the Bible was written, including the ancient Near Eastern culture and mindset. They dive into questions around who the Bible was written for and how its teachings apply today. They highlight the importance of not viewing the Bible as a science textbook but as a historical and theological text. Also, they acknowledge the role of scholars like Dr. Michael Heiser in helping them interpret the Bible from an ancient worldview, while clarifying that they don't agree with him on all points.
00:01 Introduction
00:00 Understanding the Ancient Context of the Bible
00:36 The Bible: Written for Us, Not to Us
01:45 The Importance of Context in Biblical Interpretation
02:51 The Bible and Modern Science: A Delicate Balance
04:56 The Eternal Relevance of the Bible
07:35 The Bible: A Book of History, Theology, and Reality
10:17 The Bible and the Ancient Near Eastern Worldview
12:40 The Bible: Not a Science Textbook, but Reflective of Reality
15:05 The Bible: A Gateway to Truth
23:36 Conclusion: The Bible in Its Original Context
00:01 Introduction
00:00 Understanding the Ancient Context of the Bible
00:36 The Bible: Written for Us, Not to Us
01:45 The Importance of Context in Biblical Interpretation
02:51 The Bible and Modern Science: A Delicate Balance
04:56 The Eternal Relevance of the Bible
07:35 The Bible: A Book of History, Theology, and Reality
10:17 The Bible and the Ancient Near Eastern Worldview
12:40 The Bible: Not a Science Textbook, but Reflective of Reality
15:05 The Bible: A Gateway to Truth
23:36 Conclusion: The Bible in Its Original Context